The First International Seminar on Management Science and Business Models (ISOMS & BM) Successfully Conducted in a Hybrid Format at the Postgraduate Program of Sangga Buana University Bandung. 

Bandung, Indonesia - On Tuesday, November 8, 2023, the First International Seminar on Management Science and Business Models (ISOMS & BM) was successfully held in a hybrid format. The event took place at the Sangga Buana University Postgraduate Program, located at Jl. Surapati 189, Bandung, and attracted over 560 participants from various countries, both in-person and online.

The seminar featured prominent speakers from different countries. Among them were Assoc Prof Dr. Avinash Pawar from D.Y. Patil Institute Management Studies, India; Assoc Prof Dr. Sri Sundari from the Republic of Indonesia Defense University (RIDU); Dr. Krisna Nugraha, CEO/Founder of PT. Arranet Indonesia Sejahtera; Dr. Didin Saepudin, Rector of Sangga Buana University YPKP; Ass. Prof. Dr. Jolly Masih from Leader Institute, Australia; Assoc. Prof. S. Salahudin Suyorno from ACIS UITM Malaysia; Dr. Drs. Kosasih from Sangga Buana University YPKP Postgraduate Program; Prof. Dr. Thomas Bustomi from Pasundan University Postgraduate Program; and Drs. Henry H. Loupias, Founder of PT. Leo Network of Knowledge.

The event was organized by PT. Leo Network of Knowledge in collaboration with the Sangga Buana University Postgraduate Program, Bandung, and supported by co-host Universitas Primagama. Sponsors supporting the event included Mc Tour, Arranet, Sundariafa Counsoulting, and CV. Aksara Global Akademia "the global publication".

Several Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) were also signed at the event between D.Y. Patil Institute Management Studies, India, and the Postgraduate Program of Sangga Buana University YPKP, as well as other universities. 

The seminar discussed various contemporary topics in the fields of management science and business models, providing a platform for participants to interact, exchange ideas, and network with leaders and experts from around the world. This activity is considered an important step in advancing knowledge and international collaboration in the fields of management and business. (MA)